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My neighbour wanted to have a quilt made of triangles (like the traditional Amish quilts, I brought a lot of pictures and books with me from Esther Miller).

To sew almost 600 squares made of triangles was – boring. I made all of them with the 8-from-a-square-method. That was fast and easily done, but to press them, starch them and trim them with the ruler is very boring. I couldn’t see any progress, only the pile with the finished squares grew larger.

I guess I won’t make another quilt like that. But I was glad to make this one, I wanted to try to sew the triangles and see the result!

Then I had two weeks off – Constanze took the squares with her and arranged them on her floor. Most of the squares are black and white, but there were some (very few) with other colors.

When she had finished the layout I took several pictures. I know the trick not to mix rows and columns now, but better safe than sorry.

The next step: sewing all these triangles together, always 9 x 5 pieces.

We talked a long time about how to quilt these half-square-triangles. Stippeling? Diagonal? In the ditch? I did some research on the internet how other people handled that task. Finally we agreed to use Nylon for the top and a contrasting color for the backing-fabric and to quilt very no-nonsense straight parallel lines.

Hm. My lines weren't that straight. I quilted along the seams in the front. Whenever I was a little bit off when sewing the blocks together, I followed that off-line during quilting. This looks slightly curved on the back, but charming!

For the record: I used 400 m Nylon-thread and 400 m cotton thread during quilting. Oh my god.

The top:

The back:


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