Die Blöcke O-S - Methode needleturn

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Dutch Treat - was ist das?

ein update zum Thema needleturn

Tutorial für prepared edge

18 Blöcke A-G              Methode prepared edge

7 Blöcke A-G                Methode Heat'n Bond

Restliche Blöcke A-G  Methode needleturn

Blöcke H-N                   Methode needleturn

Blöcke T-Z und der Rest    Methode needleturn

Der fertige Quilt



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Kommentare (7)

  • Carla
    am 26.08.2018
    Oh my what wonderful blocks. I have appliqued and understand the learning curve and all the stitches one does when they needleturn applique. Love the blues with the light its going to be an awesome quilt
  • Robin
    am 27.08.2018
    I think my favorite block is the parsley one. What a collection of wonderful blues.
    • Nina
      am 27.08.2018
      I like that one too! And the songbird. These shweshwe indigos are so beautiful, I wish I could make a jacket of them...
  • Fred
    am 01.09.2018
    Beautiful blue blocks, very sweet!
  • Gretchen Weaver
    Gretchen Weaver
    am 01.09.2018
    Very lovely! I have this book but never started them. Perhaps someday I will. Thanks for the eye candy.
  • Angela Feldbush
    Angela Feldbush
    am 04.09.2018
    Your blocks are beautiful! The work involved in each one is amazing.
  • Laura
    am 22.09.2018
    Wow! What a beautiful challenge! I have never heard of this book; thanks for sharing!

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